It is truly sad to see how superficial & vain we have become as a society. Teenage girls getting boob jobs with parents blessings and their credit card number. Keeping up with the Jones' and their celebrity lifestyles. Does anybody really care about Paris Hilton or the Kardashians? It appears the fixation the media has with celebrities have a strangle hold on us, leaving us to believe that this the way life is supposed to be lived. Tiny waste lines, fake boobs, muscular physique, palatial homes with a Porsche on the driveway, this is not reality, it is unreality!
This sad materialism was confirmed yesterday while Leslie was watching one of her favourite reality shows, Say Yes To The Dress. The episode featured spoiled, selfish women, young and old, spending outrageous amounts of money on a wedding dress. With some of the emotions shown on the show, you would think a family member just died! Yesterday took the cake and almost made me PUKE! A mother put a limit on her daughter's budget of $100,000.00 for her wedding dress. THAT'S RIGHT ....$$$ ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS for a wedding dress! If this does not border insanity, I don't know what does. Personally, I find it extremely offensive when you consider the vast majority of the population is having trouble paying the mortgage and putting food on the table!!
We live in a world of social climbers with millions playing the roll and leveraging themselves to the eyeballs just to be COOL!.
This sad materialism was confirmed yesterday while Leslie was watching one of her favourite reality shows, Say Yes To The Dress. The episode featured spoiled, selfish women, young and old, spending outrageous amounts of money on a wedding dress. With some of the emotions shown on the show, you would think a family member just died! Yesterday took the cake and almost made me PUKE! A mother put a limit on her daughter's budget of $100,000.00 for her wedding dress. THAT'S RIGHT ....$$$ ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS for a wedding dress! If this does not border insanity, I don't know what does. Personally, I find it extremely offensive when you consider the vast majority of the population is having trouble paying the mortgage and putting food on the table!!
We live in a world of social climbers with millions playing the roll and leveraging themselves to the eyeballs just to be COOL!.