Although I am far from an expert in the field of professional sports, I think I have a simple solution. Hockey Players, you now have the perfect opportunity to control your own destiny. The owners have locked you out, playing hardball and Russian Roulette at the same time. If you want a healthy share of the profits, a right to have a stake in the daily operations of the league, than it is high time to form your own league, owned and operated by the players that make it all happen. Put your money where your mouth is and shut these GREEDY OWNERS out, if you feel so strongly about more control. I have been a small business person all my working life and I tried to treat my employees fairly because without them, I am in trouble. Having said that, I have yet to have any one of them propose a revenue sharing system. We are in a free enterprise society gentlemen, so if you want to call the shots, put your money where your mouth is and run the league. You have the money, you have the power, because without you, there is no league. Somewhat like a small business owner, I was the business. Without me in the equation, the company was essentially worthless and this has been proven to me time and time again when we sold businesses and within a short time thereafter, they began to struggle.
You can't have it both ways. If you want to call the shots or have a major say, take control of your destiny and be the captain of your own ship. I am sure it is more difficult than it sounds, but I'm sure it can be done.
In the mean time, I will try to concern myself with the real issues facing the world today of which hockey is definitely not on my list of priorities!!