Our first stop was Castle Moszna, about a 45 minute drive from Bytom. Many call this the Disney Castle for good reason. They look identical. The exterior was very impressive but the interior had nothing but some beautiful hand carved woodwork. It took no more than an hour to cover the place but it was still well worth the trip.
The second stop was Klodzko that is home to the historic fortress. This was a turkey and definitely could be on the miss list.
Third and final destination was the Skull Chapel that house the remains of over 23,000 people killed in the 30 Year War (1616 -1648). It was both fascinating and gross at the same time. The skulls of the family that build the church are on display at the front alter.
We capped off a great day by checking into another wonderful hotel in Srebrna Góra perched on a hilltop overlooking the lush countryside and small village below.