I received my Fortis Gas bill this morning and here is the breakdown...
1. Delivery Charges $55.08
2. Commodity Charge $32.39
3. Taxes & Fees $26.00
Total $113.47
So we consumed $32 worth of natural gas and the final bill was $113.47, almost 3X the amount of the actual commodity used this month. Is there something wrong with this picture??
Now let's move on to gas prices at the pump. Oil is approximately $50/barrel and we are now at $1.13/litre at the pump. As usual, the oil companies decided to give us an early Christmas present "up the hoop"! I remember paying $1.30/litre when oil was $150/barrel so how does this equate. From my standpoint, were getting SCREWED and everyone including myself appear to be pretty passive about it. I guess it's just our Canadian nature.
Monopoly's are a bad thing and we all know it. How did it come about that here in the Okanagan we have one company supplying our Gas & Electricity needs...FORTIS! I am not even going to comment on the oil companies as we all know we are getting hosed by these bandits.
Quite a number of friends of ours in Arizona installed solar systems through a government program that was instituted by the Obama Administration. One friend in particular brought their electrical bill down from $700/mn to $10/mn during the scorching summer months in the desert. I our governments would start putting are tax dollars in the hands of the taxpayer rather than the giant utility companies. Even our Republican friends south of the border are praising Obama for this program that has saved them $1000's and much kinder on the environment. I'M PISSED!!
There is a great documentary called "The Gospel of Green". You may want to watch it, it's a real eye opener.