We arrived in Bled at 4:30 pm after Navi Biach took us on another goose chase. I don't think this one was all her fault as I am not sure that we have many of the Eastern European maps loaded. Fortunately we have a built in GPS on the Peugeot and it got us there just fine. Having two 'BIACHES" is coming in quite handy!
You could immediately notice the change when crossing the border of Austria into Slovenia. Your in a bit of a time warp for sure. You better not be expecting North American standards here because your likely not going to get them. We are staying in another family run operation and the lady who owns the place is very pleasant. Most importantly, she speaks English and that is a bit of an anomaly in this region I have been told. The town of Bled looks beautiful and we were going to explore the village tonight but we got a wicked thunder/lightning storm that like up the skies for most of the night. It was accompanied by torrential rain. Hopefully tomorrow will clear as we will have a lot to see in what was supposed to be our last day here.